Christmas Madness

First PageEach year I enter into the madness that is Christmas, the crazy rush, music, TV specials and decorum that come with the season (all of which I love, by the way), and also because out of my need for direction for that year’s Advent messages.  The process is both maddening and intoxicating.

It begins with prayer and reading through the entire Christmas narrative, both in prophecy as well as the actual events, along with extensive note taking, and with no idea where God will lead.  I do so in the hope that He will bring fresh insights into the Nativity.  It all ends on Christmas Eve.

God has never disappointed.

This year’s Advent series is entitled, ‘They will Dwell Secure’ and throughout the month I hope we will discover what this means, but for now I want to encourage you to wrestle with the story as a whole, and to fight the natural tendency to let it all get past you as ‘yet another season.’  It isn’t.

To be clear, a resolve to wrestle with the story of God is sheer madness and threatens everything we think we are, with no idea where it will all lead.  But my challenge is that you enter into the madness, and discover as I do every Advent, that He never disappoints.

What good news.


Advent Series

 Mike Khandjian 

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